Using Logitech Sync for the Hybrid Workplace

June 2, 2021 | 3:00 PM GMT

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Did you know that Sync lets you manage large-scale video deployments while minimising site visits? How is that possible? This webinar will answer that question and many more. We will answer as many questions as we can and go deep on a few common themes:

  • How much effort is involved? We’ll show you how spending a few minutes today will save you many hours later.
  • How do I pass a security review? We’ll go over all the ways you’re covered, so you can rest a little easier at night.
  • What’s the roadmap? Get a sneak preview of cool new features on the horizon.

Bonus: this discussion is illustrated by a graphic recorder from ImageThink. It’s quite a skill and you’ll want to see it in action.

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Claire Coogan
Customer Success Manager

Chijioke Meniru
Solutions Engineer