"Choosing the Right Headset for Business Use: Cost and Performance Matters"

As the need for headsets penetrates organizations, companies must pay attention to the cost of the new peripherals they deploy. In fact, pricing pressures are among the top three concerns for decision-makers when they consider PC headset purchases.

But even as PC headset prices are decreasing, some buyers have found that bargain headsets do not deliver the quality they expect and their users demand. The condequences of poor performance can be stark. 

In this newly published whitepaper, Frost & Sullivan outlines the trends in headset use for businesses today and into the future; discussed the benefits headsets provide, especially as more employees rely on PC-based communications; offers insights into the pitfalls of using a low-quality device; and delivers best practices for ensuring that even small headset investments deliver maximum bang for the buck.

Frost and Sullivan Research Whitepaper Delivering PC Headsets to All Employees? Pay Attention to More than Just Price


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